Ongoing Groups

All groups are meet in the Women’s Center.  For information about off-campus groups, or groups on specific issues, please visit the Infoline 211 Website.

For students

Between Women

A discussion group for queer or questioning women.  Come and discuss fun topics, movies, and more with women who share your feelings and experiences. Although we love the support of our allies, this meeting is closed to include only LGBTQIA+ identifying women. This is for the confidentiality and comfort of our participants. This is not an appropriate space for students from classes who are interested in interviewing those within the community.

Meetings will happen weekly and in-person on Wednesdays from 6-8pm in the Women’s Center Multi-Purpose Room (located on the fourth floor of the Student Union, Room 417).  First meeting is 9/15.

If you are interested in attending this group or would like further information, please contact the facilitator at

Greeks Against Sexual Assault (GASA)

In partnership with the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life and the Women’s Center, Greeks Against Sexual Assault is a group of Greek-affiliated students who come together to discuss issues of gender, sexuality, violence, and privilege in a safe space. Our mission is to analyze and understand how rape culture is manifested in our college campus setting as a result of the behaviors and attitudes of students both within and outside of the Greek community, and to work toward creating a safer campus environment for all.  The goal of GASA is to train members of fraternities and sororities so they can then positively influence their peers by challenging social norms that promote gender-based violence; understanding their connection to survivors of gender-based violence; and role modeling effective bystander interventions.  As Greeks, we must to use our positions of leadership to raise awareness on issues of intersectionality and be active advocates of positive change.

Who is eligible?

Any Greek-affiliated student who has not previously participated in GASA.  Must be a current undergraduate student in a fraternity or sorority a recognized by the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life (OFSL).

How do students apply and get selected?

Depending on the quantity and quality of applications, we will select around 25 participants. We are looking for diverse representation in gender, fraternity/sorority council, and class year.


GASA will meet one night per week for two hours (day TBD) for a total of 8 weeks.

What can I get out of this program?

GASA is meant to provide students with a safe, judgement-free space to share their experiences and perspectives on issues relating to gender-based violence, sexual assault, and oppression of different forms. This knowledge can be brought back to your organization to build stronger communities, as well as be implemented in your personal life to be a resource for survivors of sexual violence and practice bystander invention. 

For more information, please contact


In-Power is a weekly student-led support group dedicated to building a gender-inclusive community that welcomes victim-survivors of sexual assault, stalking, and/or intimate partner violence at any point in their healing process. Through a focus on empowerment, autonomy, and resilience, the group aims to help participants claim agency over their own stories and experiences, as well as the direction of the group. We’ll be accomplishing this with a variety of discussion topics and self-care methods. 

Meetings will likely consist of discussion surrounding these topics, an activity related to the topic, and time and ideas for self-care practices. However, this group is open to change depending on the needs of its members and we anticipate things will shift slightly based on group dynamics and feedback.  Topics for the spring will include:

In-Power is open to any UConn student regardless of gender identity. We are run out of the Women’s Center, but in no way does this mean that you must identify as a woman in order to be in the space. This semester In-Power will be held in-person on Tuesdays from 6PM-8PM EST. If you are interested in joining the group, please reach out to facilitators Jola and Leina at:  First meeting – 9/15.

Men’s Project

The Men’s Project is an eleven-week training.  The day and time to be determined by participant availability.

The program is supported by the UConn Women’s Center and the Asian American Cultural Center, whose staff serve as advisors and support for this initiative.  The goal of The Men’s Project is to train men who will then positively influence their peers by challenging social norms that promote gender-based violence; understanding their connection to survivors of gender-based violence; and role modeling effective bystander interventions.  The weekly meetings will focus on topics related to gender socialization, masculinities, social justice and gender-based violence.

We will select approximately 15 – 20 students for this initiative.  The purpose of the project is to identify and train individuals who may be seen as having influence with their peers.  However, all students are encouraged to apply.  We are looking for a diverse group of participants with unique experiences, perspectives, and backgrounds.

If you are interested or know of men who may be apply here.

If you have any questions, please email

For staff and faculty


Moms4Moms is a designed group for mothers employed or enrolled at the University of Connecticut. 

This group was created for mothers seeking a network, community, and an inclusive space to talk about both the joys and hardships of motherhood. The groups’ mission/aim is to enlighten, empower, engage, and educate through shared experiences of M4M members, activities, and workshops.

For more information, please contact

Women’s Affinity Group

A networking/discussion series that is for all women in our community, across various identities (demographics, roles at the University, departments and disciplines, etc.). The focus will be on how gender matters in our professional and personal lives, and will include development activities such as workshops, networking events, speakers, etc.

For more information, please contact

Women of Color Collective

A community created for faculty and staff to uplift and empower a network of women across the UConn campus. Following the mantra that “empowered women empower women”, we strive to operate as a sisterhood through professional development, supportive networking, and emotional support. WoCC seeks to advance the needs of women of color and enrich their professional journey while at UConn. 

For more information, please contact Judy Lopez at

Past Groups


For more information and/or to schedule a required group orientation appointment please contact Counseling and Mental Health Services (CMHS) at (860) 486-4705.

The South Asian Tree

Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka. Do you identify with one of the countries listed above either through self or family? If so, come join in on dialogues of balancing South Asian heritage with North American ideologies and the implications it has on day to day experiences including life at UConn.

Women of Color Book Circle

This group is open to ALL women who are interested in reading books and stories that promote thoughtful reflection and discussion of issues relevant to Women of Color.

Support Staff Brown Bag Lunch

This group is an effort to bring support staff together for professional development and networking, with the goal of enhancing the workplace climate and to support the personal and professional growth of women. Activities include bringing in guest speakers, participating in professional development workshops, viewing videos, etc. Bring your ideas and your lunch. Drinks and desserts will be provided.