Looking to Get Involved? Join a Committee!

The Women’s Center is currently searching for committee members for our Programming, Marketing, Outreach, and Internal Relations committees!

Through their work at the Women’s Center, committee members will have the opportunity to develop a variety of professional skills within a community of students and staff dedicated to promoting gender equity at UConn.


Programming is responsible for the planning and implementation of Women’s Center programs and initiatives on topics such as feminism, body image, media literacy, herstory, and mental health. This includes some of the Women’s Center’s key and signature programs, such as Elect Her and the Lunafest film festival.

Marketing promotes the initiatives of the Women’s Center to engage the campus community. This includes the development of all marketing communications including social media, promoting events, and generating advertisements.

Outreach seeks to raise the profile, increase visibility, and promote community awareness of the Women’s Center. The Outreach Committee seeks ways to expand the Center’s capacity through reaching out to and building relationships with other organizations and entities on campus.

Internal Relations assists with the day to day operations of the Center, professional development of the staff, and implementation of meetings and teambuilding activities with the Center. This committee is key to the overall efficiency of the Center’s work.

For more information about the committees or the Women’s Center, please stop by the Center or reach out to womenscenter@uconn.edu.